Saturday 23 June 2007



Title : The General Theory of Hi-photicity
Author : A.A. Vahab
Publishers : Witness Books, 'Mihad' Kinassery
Pokkunnu, P.O. Calicut – 13
Rights : All rights reserved
First Published : January 2006
Cover : Jabir AK, Salim K.A.
Type Setting : Jabir AK
Printed at : Imprint, Omassery

Tel: +91-495-2331188


About the Author 5
Introduction 7
Summary 9
Explanation 11
The Concept of Awareness 18
Space Time Concept 24
Concept of Development 25
Social Impact of the Theory 28
References 29


Born 18 August 1956 at Kaniyapuram in Trivandrum District, Kerala. Father Ahmad Musliar and mother Khadeeja Beevi. A. A. Vahab started his education in the village school. He got masters in Arabic language and literature from Kerala University and M. Phil in Qura'nic psychology from the University of Calicut and had read for M.A. in psychology from Annamalai University.

Orator and socio-political activist having good experience in different fields like teaching, administration, guidance and counselling, research studies he had worked in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, State of Qatar, United Arab Emirates and in India in various fields. He participated in many regional, national and international seminars and presented research papers on psychology, eschatology and physics. His pioneering work 'An Introduction to Islamic Psychology' has been published by the Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi.

Wife R. Beegum, with four children [Huda Jumana, Fida Lubana, Hiba Nabiha and Hasin Mahsool] he resides at Kinassery in Calicut, Northern City of Kerala. (Tel: ++91- 495-2331188, Fax: ++91-495-2765922, ++91-9847325244. Email:

For the past 25 years he has been conducting research in Qur'an focusing on verses referring to scientific facts. Vahab describes the circumstances which led to the writing of this monograph. "A shocking incident happened in my life inspired me to study that how loss and calamities etc affect human being in spite of his conscious attempt to avoid it. I have widely read on this matter from various sources and collected relevant verses from the Holy Quran and Prophetic sayings, analyzed it with modern scientific views to know how incidents take place in the physical world. This results the compilation of a book in Malayalam language named 'The Universe and Life'. When I completed this I thought to write the summary of the book in English language aiming at to introduce the Quranic view point of the universe and life to the English speaking people named 'Space the Creation of Time'. After seeing the book, some of my friends opined to concise it highlighting scientific ideas explained in it. This led the formation of 'The General Theory of Hi-photicity' ".

The existing theories and concepts of Motion, Dimensions, Energy Mass equations, Quantum Mechanics, Fundamental forces of the universe, Evolution, Behaviourism, Development etc, will be questioned by this perspective of the universes. We hope it will open a new era in the history of studies on the universes and life.


In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


The General Theory of Hi-photicity illustrates how our universe works. It is different from all existing concepts in the world of science related to time, space, life and universe. We have been fed with increasingly distorted views of our universe over the past few centuries. Those concepts which still survive as working models of observation are, however, fundamentally unexplained hypotheses.

The idea behind the theory introduced here is not new, but a very old truth derived from the Holy Qur'an and Prophetic sayings, presented in a scientific mode. Indications to this idea can be seen in Rig Veda and the Bible. This theory satisfactorily explains everything, from creation, the world of very small, such as smallest invisible photo-energy waves which are transformed into photon particles, to the gigantic universes. And it provides new outlook on motion, dimensions, space, time, behaviourism, development etc. The presentation of seven universes as 'Temporal Space', its explosion and the birth of an 'Eternal Space' containing more than hundred universes will open a new era in the history of physics. It further explains the world of life, mind and soul and provides us with better understanding about them. The readers may have difference of opinion. Even if they don't accept or believe in this theory I hope it will open a wonderful world before them. Any unprejudiced mind can easily comprehend the theory. May The Most Merciful Creator bless us.

Calicut, A. A. Vahab.
27 June 2005



1. One Dimensional Supreme Light is the Ultimate Reality of the existing universes. One above another seven universes exist. A great photo-energy reservoir covers the universes. This has been formed from the Supreme Light. Whatever appears in the universes is the conversion of this photo-energy from the reservoir. Every object emits energy that radiates at an unimaginable velocity to another level of the reservoir. The flow of energy continues for the existence of objects up to the specified time. So the universes are always filled with energy and matter and are perpetually changing. No vacuum space is possible within the universes. This physical world of seven universes can be called 'Temporal Space'. This exists within the Supreme Light. An Eternal Space containing more than 100 universes will be formed after the total destruction of the Temporal Space.

2. In short, the universes and all that exist in them are the ever changing manifestation of the invisible photo-energy called Hi-Photicity in the course of its continuous radiation from one level to another level within The Great Unseen One Dimensional Supreme Light. Human being is an indivisible part of this flow. In this wonderful display what he possesses is the consciousness or self awareness. Nobody has an escape from this whether he likes it or not.

3. So the Treasure-House of everything in the universes is with The Supreme Light. And it has been sent down only in a fixed measure. Thus everything has specifications in its nature i.e. shape, place, time, weight, colour, smell, taste, sound, temperature, condition etc. All these are decided by the density and velocity of Hi-Photicity.

4. Life, mind and soul are various existences of energy bond forces combined with material body. Al these (matter, mind life and soul) are formed from Hi-Photicity. Hi-Photicity is under the control of The Supreme Light. Finally the behaviour pattern of everything in the universes is decided by The Supreme Light beyond the boundaries of universes.

5. The objects manifest before us are not moving as such. We feel motion due to the movement of invisible Hi-Photicity and its velocity variation. But when we say that the earth, the sun, moon and galaxies are not moving as such it will shake our existing concept of motion.

6. Time is an indefinable fact. There should be time before the beginning of the universes. We find that The Supreme Light is The Only One Existence before the beginning of creation. As everything originated from The Supreme Light, there time and space became one. So, The Supreme Light is Infinite Time. Which means space (total universes) is the creation of Time.

7. The existing theories and concepts of Motion, Dimensions, Energy Mass equations, Quantum Mechanics, Fundamental forces of the universe, Evolution, Behaviourism, Development etc, will be questioned by this perspective of universes.


The earth we inhabit exists in the Milky Way galaxy which is but one among billions of galaxies in the universe. Where does the universe stand? Are there other universes existing? What makes matter exist in the universe? What is the basic cause of the behaviour pattern of matter? We can ask a number of questions like this. Finding scientific answer to them is beyond our reach. Do we have any difficulty in our life if we do not find answer to these questions? Human being is made up of matter. If we do not understand even the foundation of mater, then what is the meaning of bearing with the sufferings in life? Failing to understand the truth, our minds will dwell in delusion and superstition. Eventually that makes our lives meaningless. Everything we experience in life is perpetually changing. How will it end? And what will be beyond that?

The sights in the universe are fascinating. The shining sun, cool light giving moon, twinkling stars in the dark sky etc are amazing. When we come to the earth jungles and mountains, rainfalls and rivers, oceans and waves different varieties of plants and trees, birds and animals are seen. The male sperm that gush forth to join the female egg, its flow after fertilization to cling in the wall of the womb for a new birth, are really wonders to any reflecting mind. All these are systematically working to fulfill their assigned duties. All our scientific studies give the impression that everything in the universe works in a surprisingly uniform manner.

This universe is a display of matter formed from invisible energy. One above another, seven universes exist. A great photo energy reservoir covers the universes. Where there no object is seen, the invisible energy fills the space. So there is no vacuum space possible within the universes. The wonder world of The Supreme Light is beyond the energy reservoir. The Supreme Light itself is a curtain; no thoughts will enter in to it. Because the universes itself is a small spot within The Ever Spread Supreme Light. By the command of The Supreme Light 'The word' was formed. It was an energy explosion. The first creation started with that energy. The first visible form of matter was photon particles, which combined to form gases followed by liquids and solid form of matter. The seven universes and all that is in them were created in six stages.

The process of creation and regeneration is going on. By the command of the Supreme Light energy explodes and it forms an energy reservoir beyond the boundaries of the seventh universe. All movements and incidents taking place in the universes are through the combining and breaking process of different kinds of energy waves. The energy radiates from the reservoir is invisible. It is the invisible High-Photo-Energy waves; it can be called Hi-Photicity. Different kinds of Hi-photicity combine to form Hi-photon particles which are the first visible forms. Various Hi-Photon particles combine to form superstrings. Different kinds of strings combine to form quarks, the fundamental constitute of protons, neutrons, electrons etc. These types of various sub-atomic particles combine to form different kinds of atoms. Various atoms combine to form molecules. Groups of molecules constitute objects. One molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. A drop of water contains million million billion atoms.

So, basically the hi-photicity radiate from outside the seventh universe is the cause for the existence of matter in the universe. Every object existing in the universes emit energy which radiate to another level of the reservoir beyond the boundaries of universes. This process continues up to the determined duration to project an object. This means that every object in the universes is continuously changing. This change happens at an unimaginable speed beyond our normal imagination. i.e. say: in a nano second, (a nano second is one billionth fraction of a second) thousand billion times. Even if the calculation is not correct, this change is a fact. Human body takes part in this process of change. So we cannot feel it.

The treasure –house of everything is with The Supreme Light. And anything has been sent down to the universe with a determined measure only, to implement its action. This sending (radiation) is the creation. Through this creation the universes and all that in them are formed. After the designed display everything returns (radiates) to The Supreme Light. The coming and going are invisible, only the combined objects are visible to us. Births and deaths, constructions and destructions, and all kinds of evolutions in the universes are taking place in the course of this change. Even the number of everything appearing in the universes including the first form of photo energy waves to the universes has been precisely determined. The form and nature of everything has been decided and controlled by The Supreme Light.

When we find fixed measurement in all creations, we understand that the universe is a closed circuit, will not exist in an ever expanding process. Everything has specifications in its nature i.e. shape, place, time (duration), weight, colour, smell, taste, sound, temperature and condition etc. Some of these are related to quality and some others to quantity. All these specifications are decided according to the density and velocity of hi-photicity which convert as matter. Hence it is quite logical to question the prevalent notion of dimensions. Billions of multi-dimensional characteristic modes function in various living and non-living things in the universes. That originates from the hi-photicity controlled by The Supreme Light. No wave or the smallest fraction of a particle can change itself or influence others except the duty assigned to it. Everything works in its own way as pre-destined.

The presence of a mind besides the matter is evident in objects. All living organisms have the life with matter and mind. And human being has the gift of soul also. Life, mind and soul are various existences of energy bond forces combined with material body. Each one has its own assigned duty. We can see its effects through their body. Finally, we find that all these four (matter, mind, life and soul) originate from The Supreme Light.

Modern astrophysicists talk about parallel universes but they have not provided sufficient details. The studies in nuclear physics have reached only up to superstrings. Some scientists express a small hope of finding Sparticles (or super particles) which would represent higher vibrations of the superstring. Now nuclear analytical studies reached its one dead end. When the scientists tried to observe more about the beginning of the universe for getting the origin of matter they come across mysteries. It seems very difficult to unravel all these secrets. So they take refuge with some high sounding assumptions as new concepts. But some of them bravely say that the rules apply to the world we see are only approximations of the rules that govern the unseen world of light and subatomic particles. This makes clear our inability to say a final word scientifically about the beginning of the universe and matter through observing visible materials only. The scientists failed to look beyond the boundaries of the universe because they have neglected the influence of the unchallengeable reality of life, mind and soul over the matter. So they wander within their misconceptions.

The objects that manifest before us combined by the radiation of energy are not moving as such, is another peculiarity of our finding. But we feel that motion in our daily life is a fact. This happens due to the movement of hi-photicity and its velocity variation. When we say that the earth the sun, moon and galaxies are not moving, it will shake our existing concepts of motion, energy mass equations, Quantum Mechanics, four fundamental forces etc. We find that there exists only one fundamental force which governs the entire universes. It can be called 'Hi-Photicity Force'. All other forces known in other names are only derived from this fundamental force. The general relativity theory and the quantum theory are two theories widely accepted to explain macrocosm and microcosm. The first theory is based on the curvature of smooth surfaces, which describes the world of the very large. The second theory is based on tiny discrete packets of energy (called 'quanta') and explains the world of the very small, such as atoms and nuclei. Every attempt to merge these two theories has only failed so far. We find through the general theory of Hi-photicity presented here that we can explain both macrocosm and microcosm satisfactorily.

In short, the universes and all that exist in them are ever changing manifestation of the invisible photo-energy called Hi-photicity in the course of its continuous radiation from one level to another level within The Great unseen One Dimensional Supreme Light. Human being is an indivisible part of this flow. In this wonderful display what he possesses is the consciousness or self awareness only. Nobody has an escape from this whether he likes it or not. What ever any body gets here is continuously changing; nothing exists in a permanent state. When we understand that our own life joins in this flow, we are unable to do anything except experiencing it helplessly. It is our nature and the nature of universes. Hence, what we see here in the temporal space is only a deceiving enjoyment.

The universes and the life is a time bound programme of The Everlasting Unseen Supreme Light. If you call that Supreme Power by the name of Allah, the God, or Yahowa, He is an Ever Living Only One Power Who regulates the entire affairs of life and the universes. The life, mind, soul and energy for all objects in the universes originate from Him alone. We can't understand that Omnipresent, Omnipotent Power completely. But human mind has been given the ability to feel and experience the existence of the Overall Controller through evidence. Let us examine, what will happen to these universes according to His proclaimed programme.

The volume of energy and matter in the universes are continuously increasing in every shortest fraction of seconds by billions of megatons which results in perpetual expansion of the universe. These expanding universes will explode one day. The heavens will cleave asunder, the stars will fall and scatter, seas will burst forth and the graves will turn upside down with the explosion. The sight shall be dazed, the moon will be eclipsed, and the sun and moon will be joined together by the shock of the explosion. It will be great news in the history of universes and will happen all of a sudden. Some signals will appear in the universe before this blast. Earth quakes will increase, the sky will bring forth a visible smoke, three major eclipses or earthquakes will happen in the east, the west and in the Arabian Peninsula. The sun will rise from the west; eventually and everything will perish except The Everlasting Supreme Light. A small change in the constitution of the existing matter will be enough for a big explosion within a fraction of a second. It is the nature of the chemical combination of matter which constitutes the entire universes and life.

New universes will be created by the order of the Supreme Light as it was done in the first time. It will not be more than a single blast. The number of universes will be more than a hundred. The nature of matter therein the Eternal Space will be better and more durable. All human beings who were born on earth will be resurrected and assembled in a huge ground in one of the globes of one universe. It is a gathering that nobody can avoid. As the first birth happened on earth without the permission of anybody the resurrection will also take place unasked for. Nobody can escape from that. Each has to surrender to it.

There will be a trial for all before the Creator. It will be based on the faith and deeds of each individual. Those who believed in the truth of the nature of life which has been inspired by the Creator to human minds, to accept The Creator as their Only One Cherisher and controller over their lives, and the disbelievers, deniers and hypocrites will be separated. The prophets and the records of the deeds of individuals will be presented there as witnesses during the trial. Even the weight of our deeds will be presented there. The atom weight is known to us now-a-days. The lightest of all atoms, hydrogen, has a diameter of 1 x 10 -8 cm (0.00000001 cm) and weighs 1.7 x 10 -24 (the fraction of a gram represented by 17 preceded by 23 zeros and a decimal point). Whatever we did in our life and how much particles reach us as invisible energy and radiated from us to the reservoir will be found recorded there. Then it is easy for the Creator to calculate its total in any mode of measurement and classify good and evil. Every thing created here such as facts, objects or feelings etc will have its own weight. Nothing created here is in vain. So human being is accountable for all. We have formed this concept of universes based on the Holy Qur'an, Sayings of the Prophet and some findings of modern science. According to this concept nobody can create even an atom or a wave even a mere motion will be impossible. Questions like this may arise, if it is so, will it not overthrow the status of human being? Before attempting any reply we have to examine some other aspects as well.

The Concept of Awareness

The ability of awareness or knowledge manifests through matter only. We find that the ultimate source of matter is The Supreme Light. The same Supreme Power is also the Ultimate Source of Perfect Knowledge. All His creations from the smallest invisible wave to the gigantic universes, have been endowed with the ability of knowledge. This has been given through the process of continuous creation, so they act accordingly. Everything except human mind has been compulsorily destined to act according to the knowledge given to it. Human existence is a combination of matter, life, mind and soul. Human body is visible while life, mind and soul are different kinds of existence of energy bond forces combined with the material body. As these factors are inseparably merged in the body study of the effects of these are highly difficult.

The awareness about existence so far as a human being is concerned, is giving to his mind. This awareness is knowledge. This knowledge develops in the mind through a chemical process. The elements for this chemical process form by the hi-photocity from the reservoir controlled by The Supreme Light. Whatsoever anybody gets without this particular knowledge, his individuality will not exist even if his body and life work perfectly. This knowledge itself is a creation. Like all other matters, knowledge also has a fixed measure. Any creature can understand only as much as what The Creator permits to know. According to modern scientists, brain is central to acquiring knowledge. They have identified various parts in brain and given separate names explaining different functions. But according to The Quran and Prophetic sayings the word 'Nafs' represents mind. Accordingly heart (qalb) is the seat of nafs. On the basis of this we think that through the chemical process in human heart the functions of mind take place. What we experience as instincts, motivations, emotions, feelings, sentiments, attention, thinking, reasoning, memory, remembrance, and forgetfulness etc are, no doubt, the effects of the chemical process inside our bodies. But we have no complete understanding of what elements makes which behaviour.

What ever happens, what one understands from that is most important as far as he is concerned. Because one's experience means his own direct knowledge about him and circumstances. Majority of the functions of our body take place without our direct knowledge or consciousness. The Creator has a plan and control as to what type of knowledge in how much volume and which time a person has to receive. So it has been decided by the flow of invisible hi-photicity. When the hi-photicity creates elements which bond together, the person concerned gets the specific knowledge. In this process no human control is possible. But human beings take decision based on this awareness and experience its result. When we say that one has to take responsibility for his decision a clear contradiction is seen here. We have to further examine mind's function to get a clear idea about it.

Life is a purposeful delegation of The Supreme Light. Man has been given the position of His vicegerent. All creations have been divided in to two: good and evil. Faith in The Truth is good, denial and disbelief are evils. Man is instructed to select good to fulfill his delegation. The truth is the Existence of the Only One Supreme Power as The Creator, The cherisher and The Supreme Authority of everything. All others are creations. Their existence depends upon the Creator. But there is no compulsion in the Belief. Here man has been given the right to choose between belief and disbelief in the truth. It is the free will and choice of human mind. Everybody has been given this awareness and everybody has the ability to try it through evidences of his experiences. Everybody enjoys this self observation power in his life. Through the creation process the Creator has given this freedom to human beings alone. If anybody believes, he will be given the awareness of better guidance. The angels, inspiring good will be his companions. Anybody who disbelieves and denies the truth will be given the awareness of delusion. The evil inspiring devils will be his companions. The angels and devils are different kinds of invisible existences. Human beings get the awareness about them through the chemical process in their heart. So the angels and satan have no power or authority on human beings except so far as what The Creator permits. Evils are also purposeful creations like good to provide us with opportunities for selection. Both happen in the same way of the process of creation. Everybody enjoy this awareness in life.

Another important nature of awareness is that the consciousness about need will be more than the consciousness about the available provisions. It is to create the consciousness to seek help. Seeking help is called prayer. Prayer is worship. When the need for prayer arises, it can be made to the All Powerful Creator or anybody else. No compulsion will be imposed in this regard. All are free here; nobody has power over others. If any body obeys the basic character of his mind and prays to The Creator, he is right. Because the Ultimate Source of all help is the Creator and nobody else. All other sources are agencies. If anybody denies this fact and relies on these agencies, he is wrong. This selection is a matter of an individual's belief. So he is the responsible for the prayer and whatever activities followed. In all affairs things work this way. This process takes place through three stages of mind.

Lower mind: A mind desirous of satisfying all needs. It is prone to evil in this condition.

Critical Mind: It is the self reproaching mind that has the consciousness of right and wrong. Whenever the desires at lower level exceed the limit of morality this mind criticizes and resists evil. So there will be a conflict between the lower mind and the critical mind. Whenever the lower mind overcomes, man commits mistakes and evil. And critical mind tries to repent and ask God's Grace and pardon.

Satisfied Mind: Its nature has the knowledge of the ideal model of personality expected by the Creator from an individual. When ever the critical mind overcomes the evil prone tendency of the lower mind, then the role of satisfied mind will be active. In each and every issue in a man's life three stages of mind will have involvement. Those who have firm faith their satisfied mind will be more active which gives satisfaction to them. All other minds will be in conflict that results in greed or desperation to them till their last hours.

The important part of life is the second part, hereafter. Man has been instructed to choose good to get success in the hereafter life. If anybody neglects the idea of the hereafter life and prefers interest in things of this worldly life, his mind will dwell in getting positions and provisions etc and feels that are good to him. But whatever he gets here is only temporary. The hereafter life is eternal. The eternal success is the real success. Provisions and positions will be given to individuals, societies and people up to a fixed time here in this world whether they believe in the Creator or not. The distribution of provisions is not based on the belief of individuals but based on the Wisdom of The Creator. Supply of provision more or less is part of the test. Believers and disbelievers will meet with death. Then the disbelievers will realize the reality. Their death experience and hereafter life will be painful. This death is also an awareness which comes to us through the process of creation.
In short, knowledge is a force coming to everybody, from time to time, from the reservoir. Whatever happens outside, a human being is able to understand anything only through the chemical process taking place inside. The knowledge which we think that we gather through our senses also is created this way. This knowledge has the ability to contain the spaciousness of the universes. Is there any comparison between the universes and a piece of flesh inside our body? Even then through our hearts we understand all these. When we watch a figure or an object we are not seeing the same but we perceive its image only. This image figures out through the chemical process in our heart. When we understand that an ever-changing heart figures out the spaciousness of the universes, Is it not really amazing? Sometimes it may be unbelievable to us. It is the limitation of human beings. We are unable to have a complete understanding about us. Through the radiation of Hi-photicity in similar wave length a group of people get an idea, whether it is right or wrong. Social awareness develops in this way. When I write all these, I don't know what type of impression you may get about me. I have nothing to do with the creation of an impression in your heart about me. Like this each one gets impression about others. Only the plan of the Creator works behind this. It is evident in our daily life. Sometimes when we sincerely express some opinions it may seriously hurt others while in some other occasions even a purposeful scolding will not make any similar response. The Creator implements everything here is purposefully pre-destined in accordance with His total plan of the universal life as He is the Ultimate Source of The Greatest Consciousness.

In short, the awareness one gets is the essence of his personality. The criterion of the awareness creation in his heart depends up on the variation of his belief and disbelief in the Ultimate Reality. The person who neglects the overall control of The Supreme Light in all affair of life, whatever he gets, will eventually fail as he follows the baseless delusion of mind. On the basis of this awareness we find that the existing concepts of universe, life, knowledge, good and evil, space and time, developments etc adopted by the majority of the people of the world today do not agree with the real nature of life and the universes.

Space - Time Concept

Space is visible while time is an invisible fact. Space time concept is very important in human awareness. This awareness also has been created in human mind in accordance with an individual's belief. The believer's concept of space and time extends to the eternal space beyond the boundaries of the temporal space. The concept of time and space for the rest will be limited with in this universe.

When we say space in a wider sense it will be the total of all universes. We can have two types of time calculations. One is life time which includes the life time of the smallest particles to the life time of the gigantic universes. Everybody has a fixed life time. Nobody can say what is the smallest fraction of time, e.g. when we talk about a fraction of ten thousand billionth of a nano second, though it is too small, it is a fraction of time beyond our imagination. Here we learn about the limitation of human beings in so far as the concept of time is concerned. There should be time before the beginning of the universes. We find that The Supreme Light is the Only One Existence before the beginning of creation. As everything originated from The Supreme Light, time and space should have been one before the creation of things. So The Supreme Light is Infinite Time. It means that this space (the total universes) is the creation of Time. The believers have firm faith in the eventual destruction of this temporal space, construction of Eternal Space and in its everlasting time. A person having this type of space time concept will have no unnecessary haste in any matter of life. He will have a nature peacefully going with the incidents happening in his life. He will not be much anxious about the remembrances of yesterdays and expectation of tomorrows. He looks everything through the satisfied mind of today. So his life always flows in present time. To be always in the present time, is the quality of The Creator only. He gives this quality to His creatures as a Grace from Him, in an indirect manner. Only with firm faith in The Creator anybody can attain this stage of awareness.

Concept of Development

People and nations talk much about developments in the present world. But they are not presenting an exact model for it. Many of them introduce projects and try to implement them. That unfortunately majority fails to attain the goal is a fact. We know that development is for the satisfaction of citizens. If enough food, dress, house, vehicle, education, health, occupation etc are given to all people, will it provide satisfaction to human mind? The increase of provisions on the earth will not give satisfaction to human mind. We have already explained how the awareness of satisfaction will be created in human mind.

Development happens through the increase of matter, while matter is created by the flow of hi-photicity. The flow of hi-photicity is controlled by the Creator. Nobody can create or destroy even an atom. Without anybody's request, development takes place in the universes in even smallest fraction of every second. This is planned and implemented by the All Knowing Creator. Hunger, poverty, disease, loss of wealth, lives; accidents and natural calamities are inevitabilities of this worldly life in accordance with the plan of The Creator. He created all these phenomena as causes for creating sorrow in human mind. Sorrow is for pain. Pain is a sensation. We are familiar with different kinds of pain. But nobody can fully explain it. One's pain is his own experience, others are unable to understand its magnitude, but can get some sort of sensation about it. Both the sensations are awareness happening though the process of creation. It will have different depths or levels according to the density and velocity variation of hi-photicity flow to both of them. Whatever may be the cause of an individual's experience, it is a purposeful creation destined for him alone. When we take account of all sensations finally, we find that pain is the only one sensation very difficult to overcome. It is the nature given to it. The creation of pain is designed for the training of human being. Through giving pain The Creator makes us conscious of our helplessness in order to seek help from Him through prayers which keep us very close to Him. This closeness to the Creator provides a human being with the sense of security and the power of creativity. So pain is a caution and a guard for the safety of human life. Comfort and joy may often lead one to hesitation. It is the positive approach of the believer towards pain as he knows that there will be a benefit in every creation of The Merciful Creator. But disbelievers, deniers and suspicious persons will have negative approach towards pain.

In the Qur'anic point of view cause and effect are purposeful creations. No cause will create an effect even if we may feel so. In some instances we may find perfect causality while in many other instances we may not understand the real cause. Some secrets of creations have been hidden behind this. So we can't completely rely on causality to find out the ultimate truth. If we try to get more about what cause made an effect, we may find the presence of another cause for the immediate cause. This search will take us to the first cause. There we find The Supreme Light is The Greatest Cause of all causes. Everything originates from this Cause. It is the nature of the universes. The case of development also functions in this way. Nobody knows what will happen to him and to the world around him in the next moment. Whatever he possesses is not his own, he has only a temporary ownership on that. It is the reality. Those who neglect this reality and dwells in the delusion of mind will surely fail finally. The way of the dealings of The Creator has not been disclosed to us completely. When we try to understand more we realize that human knowledge is very limited. We understand only what The Creator permits us to understand. Human being has no knowledge about the ultimate purpose of life. But our life is a reality. Everybody wants to succeed in life. This is the inspired nature of human mind. The only way to understand the truth of life is through the available knowledge. Any sincere attempt to do so will take a person to the awareness of the Existence of the Only One Creator. Then human being has no other way except to believe in Him and submit to Him with prayers. Then He guides him as to do what to do and how to manage with the available resources. Any attempt in life neglecting His overall control in every step will meet with failure eventually. The success in life is a matter of awareness to understand the truth correctly. All other things will have been done by The Creator without fail. He is the Unending Source of Mercy. We are all in need of it. So let us get back to The Origin sincerely then the circuit will be complete. And the life will flow satisfactorily. If anybody finds dissatisfaction in any matter he must know that the original life circuit is not complete. Let those who understand this, try to explain it to others as part of his duty of faith.

Social Impact of the Theory

This theory gives us a firm understanding of the concept that everything appears here as object, feeling or an idea is ever changing glimpses of perpetual radiation of hi-photicity beyond the boundaries of the universes. Everyone will get his due share in all affairs of life without fail. This awareness will prevent a person from restlessness, unnecessary haste, jealousy and all kind of manipulations to earn something for his own. His critical mind will always function in alertness. So his satisfied mind will be more active and it gives him the awareness of the reality of life followed by peace and satisfaction. No doubt when a group of people having this status of mind live together will enjoy the real satisfaction of life.

1 – Infinite area of the Supreme Light
2 – The beginning of the universe (first explosion)
3, 4 - Different stages of the universes in its development
5 – A Cross section of the universes
6 – Final explosion (total destruction of the universes)
7, 8 - Within this area only one figure is present at one time


Rig Veda: Nasadiya Sukta

"Manaso Retha Pradhamam Yathaseethu" (10:12)

The Bible: The Gospal of St. John.

"In the beginning was the word and word was with God... The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything that was made... In Him was life, and life was light of men, and the light shineth in darkness... I am the light of the World" (1:1-5, 8:12).

The Quran:

1) Allah is the Light of the universes (24:35). Invisible (6:103), One Dimensional (113:1-4), All powerful (2:20), All Knowing(2:29), the King, the Holy, the One free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over creatures, the Almighty, the Irresistible, the Supreme, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms and All-wise (59:22-24).
2) The universes and life: A programmed project (21:16).
3) Creation starts repeats and it returns to the Supreme Light (30:11).
4) Intention – Command (words) and object: is the sequence of creation. (36:82).
5) Re-creation as like creation (21:104).
6) Destruction and re-creation will happen in the same method. It is an explosion (36:48, 49, 53, 37:19, 79: 13). Like as a twinkling of an eye (54:50) or even faster than that (16:77). So creation, destruction, re-creation (through explosion)
7) The universes stand by the energy explosion (30:25).
8) Seven universes have been created without vacuum (50: 6, 67:3).
9) He is the Owner of the universes (3: 26, 189, 5:17).
10) Nobody got an atom weight ownership (34:22).
11) Everything recorded, even a thing having less than the weight of an atom (34:3).
12) He creates and chooses, no choice is possible for others in creation (28:68).
13) Nothing exists in the universes except what He sends to it in a fixed measure. The treasure house of everything is with the Supreme Light (15:21).
14) Nothing appears here without it has been recorded before its happening (57:22), even the fall of leaf (6:59).
15) Everything created in a fixed measure (13:8, 25:2, 54: 49, 87:2-3).
16) Heavens have been created with Invisible pillars (13:2, 31:10).
17) The nature of everything decided by the Creator (20:50), managers and regulates from the heavens (32:5). All affairs return to Him (3: 109, 8: 44).
18) All in the universes depend upon the Him. He is always in action (55:29).
19) Human action is the creation of God (37:96).
20) Nobody can will unless Allah wills. Ever All-knowing, All wise (77:30).
21) Nobody will remember unless Allah wills. (74: 56).
22) Nobody compass anything of His knowledge except that which He wills. (2: 255).
23) Everything in the universe glorifies the Creator. Each one knows its own mode of prayer and praise (24: 41). But human beings understand not other's prayers (17:44).
24) To show the straight path is the responsibility of the Creator (16:9, 92: 12)
25) To human being, the Creator has shown the way (76:3, 90:10, 91:7-10).
26) Freedom has been given in belief (18: 29). No compulsion on human being (2:256).
27) Nobody can dictate others (88:22).
28) Belief is the step for guidance (64:11). And to steadfast on it (14:27).
29) Angels are the companions of the believers (41:30-31).
30) Those who turn away from the remembrance of the Creator, a Satan will be appointed for him as a companion. Such evil one hinder human beings from the right path, but they think that they are guided aright (due to the satanic delusion) (43: 36-37).
31) Satan is the enemy of human beings guides them to the blazing fire (35:6).
32) It is decreed on Satan to mislead others with delusion (4:120, 22: 3-4).
33) Human beings will forget their own selves (59:19)
34) Those who reject the sign of the Creator, He shall gradually seize them with punishment in ways they perceive not. Respite will be granted to them as the part of Creator's strong plan. (7: 182-183).
35) The deeds of disbelievers are in vain (5:5, 13:33-34, 14:18, 47:1, 8).
36) Life is a struggle between truth and falsehood (21:17).
37) Duty of human beings is to worship the Creator (51:56, 98:5) through prayers (40:60)
38) It is the submission as everything in the universe follow (3:83) anybody seeks other ways, he will be a loser (3:85) and will be kept in the path that he has chosen (4:115).
39) Provisions will be given to the people in accordance to the wisdom of God Almighty (30:37, 42:27)
40) Fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits are tests on human beings. (2:155)
41) Human beings posses no power over benefit or hurt to himself except as Allah wills (7:188).
42) Verily, He it is who is surrounding all things. (41: 54).
